About company EKOL s.r.o.

The customer is at the center of our efforts

About company EKOL s.r.o.

We have been specialising in surface treatments since 1992.

About company EKOL s.r.o.

Quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2015

EKOL s.r.o. was founded in 1992 by four associates with more than 25 years of experience in the field. The main idea of the company was to produce such surface treatment equipment and to use such technologies to make the surface treatment process as environmentally friendly as possible. The name of the company therefore reflects the ecological aspect.

The company production program began with small machines and equipment for surface pretreatment. In no time there were added drying and curing ovens supplemented with the transport systems. When the painting cabin was installed, the first paint shops were created.

In order to secure a successful work of paint shops, it was necessary to deal with prepration of technological and demineralized water. It was also necessary to start dealing with the wastewater treatment stations since the wastewater is created during the surface preparation process.

Then tank line has been added to the company portfolio. At first, we produced tank lines in the form of degreasing lines, then lines for surface preparation. From the tank lines it was just a little step to the galvanic lines.

At present, we offer comprehensive solutions for surface treatment technologies in the form of "turnkey" deliveries. All our projected facilities are designed according to the specific, individual customer needs, while respecting the requirements of the economical operation and the ecological aspects.

Our portfolio includes:

EKOL s.r.o. has a leading position on the Czech and Slovak markets. We successfully delivered projects for international partners in the automotive industry. Some of our major customers are: Daimler Chrysler-Mercedes, Siemens, Fraenskische, Faiveley, Tenneco Monroe, Electropoli, Česko-Slezská výrobní, Bobcat, MAZ, Giad Sudan). We have experience with deliveries in Europe, Africa, the Russian Federation and the Americas.




company founded




EKOL Ltd.  co-founded by ASO Ltd. (registered office at Marie Majerova 1152, Ledeč nad Sázavou), which specializes in assembly within the framework of surface treatment projects.




EKOL Ltd. co-founded ASO Humpolec Inc. (registered office at Luzicka 593, Humpolec), which deals exlusively  with the production of equipment for surface treatment.




EKOL Ltd. built the first large painting shop for autophoretic coating of car shock absorbers for Tenneco Automotive  - Monroe Czechia




Together  with other shareholders of ASO Humpolec Inc., EKOL Ltd. participates in car body painting shop projectfor GIAD Sudan.




EKOL Ltd. obtained certification ISO 9001-2000. The certificate was issued by SGA International Services AG Zürich, SGS Group member.




EKOL Ltd. obtained  contract from Mercedes Benz to supply a phosphating tank line for its subsidiary company EvoBus based in Holysov. Then EKOL Ltd. built a similar line for Mercedes Benz in Turkey in Istanbul.




EKOL won the tender to supply cataphoretic and powder paint shop for company Bobcat in Dobris.




EKOL Ltd.is recertified ISO 9001:2008




EKOL Ltd. supplied the first fully automated ZnNi alloy coating galvanic line for company Electropoli in Cesky Dub.




EKOL Ltd. supplied a complete truck frame coating line to company MAZ in Belarus involving cataphoretic painting and subsequent powder coating.




EKOL Ltd. supplied a set of galvanic lines to MMZ in the Russian market.




EKOL won the award Štiky českého byznysu" / „Czech business Pikes“


EKOL retook certificate ISO 9001:2015


EKOL retook certificate ISO 9001:2015

International experience

International experience
Send us your requirements and we will design the technology and equipment.
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Prosím vyplňte všechny povinné pole.
EKOL s.r.o.

Marie Majerové 1152, 
CZ 584 01 Ledeč nad Sázavou
Tel.: +420 569 721 303, +420 569 721 179
Fax: +420 569 721 313
E-mail: info@ekol.cz

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